our panels

Service Provider Panels

Payment Service Provider

The Payment Service Provider Panel (PSP Panel) is utilised for Short-Form RFPs and has been selected based on those service providers that have achieved the short-list in our Long-Form RFP processes and/or have unique attributes that mean their participation will add value to the Short-Form RFP process.

Fraud and Chargeback Management

The Fraud and Chargeback Management Panel is utilised for RFPs for fraud prevention and risk management solutions related to payments acceptance.

Payments Orchestration

The Payments Orchestration Panel is utilised for RFPs where there is a need for integrating different payment service providers, acquirers and payment gateways via a unified software layer.

Real-Time A2A Payments

The Real-time A2A Payments Panel is utilised for RFPs where there is a need for automation of real-time account-to-account payments as a standalone function or this functionality is not available via the incumbent payment service provider.

Token Vault

The Token Vault Panel is utilised for RFPs where organisations wish to control their own payment flows but offload compliance and management of tokenisation and encryption for securing customer data without locking into payment service provider.

B2B Payments

The B2B Payments Panel is utilised for RFPs where there is a need for B2B payments, accounts receivable and invoicing automation.

Reconciliation and Data Insights

The Reconciliation and Data Insights Panel is utilised for RFPs where there is a need for tools and technologies to verify the accuracy and consistency of payments data between platforms.

FX and Cross-Border Payments Panel

The FX and Cross-border Payments Panel is utilised for RFPs where there is a requirement to make account to account payments from one country to another.